Your opportunity to make an impact

We are looking for passionate people to develop Sano into the world-class research centre for advanced computational medicine.

International PhD programme

Multidisciplinary PhD programme crossing the boundaries between:

  • Medicine, health sciences
  • Computer science, data science, computational science
  • Biomedical engineering

Degrees and training courses organized by:

  • University of Sheffield
  • AGH University of Science and Technology
  • Jagiellonian University Medical College
  • University of Amsterdam

Collaboration with research teams at Sano:

  • Close contacts with the University Hospital in Kraków
  • Participation in international projects
  • Collaboration with industrial partners

Training and research exchange programme:

  • Advanced courses at the University of Sheffield and other foreign partners of the Centre
  • Six months abroad (long + short visits)

Call for PhD Students

As a key part of its operations

Sano provides an opportunity for young researchers to conduct research in computational medicine as a part of the international, multi-disciplinary PhD programme. Sano collaborates with partnering universities (including University of Sheffield, AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, Collegium Medicum of Jagiellonian University in Kraków, University of Amsterdam) and other eligible institutions that will conduct the formal procedure of granting the PhD degree.

PhD programme at Sano means

crossing the border between medicine, computer science and biomedical engineering, it grants an amazing opportunity for Students to be involved in international collaborations, both academic and industrial. As a part of the programme, the Students will spend up to 6 months abroad within the partnering institutions for training and research visits.
We highly encourage everyone interested to apply. Work with us for the future benefit of healthcare!

Benefits to topic proposers

Co-authorship of the student’s publications resulting from the project:

Direct access to the developed technological solution on every stage of its development

Possibility to co-supervise the resultant PhD Thesis (provided the proposer has the ability to supervise PhDs in her/his own institution)

Ability to consult and influence the final shape of the created solution to the stated clinical problem

Access to training programs, courses, workshops and seminars offered by Sano

Having Sano as a hosting institution for a new personal grant (we offer comprehensive proposal development support: writing, impact assessment, initial market evaluation, IP protection strategies, etc.)

In cases of exceptionally successful projects (i.e. the most promising ideas/solutions) the possibility of joining the commercialisation track by e.g. becoming a medical advisor in a new spinout company

Endless possibilities for discussions and co-development: new product ideas, new grant proposals etc.

And the most important: creating an opportunity of an important clinical problem being efficiently addressed by a technological solution

Call for clinically relevant research topics

This call is addressed to all researchers in the areas including: Medicine, Pharmacy, Biomedical engineering, Computer Science, or Computational Science who are interested in conducting world leading translational research in the broad area of Computational Medicine and, potentially, co-supervising the PhD students who will be employed at Sano.

The ability or willingness to co-supervise the resulting PhD thesis is not a requirement, but an option. We seek topics which address important clinically-related problems that can be solved using computational methods, in alignment with the areas of Sano’s research agenda: Modelling and Simulation, High Performance Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision and Healthcare Informatics.

The proposed topics will be evaluated by a committee of researchers at Sano, taking into account the importance of clinical problem, the scientific novelty, the relevance to Sano’s research agenda, the availability of clinical data, translational potential, and possible risks.

The list of accepted topics together with their descriptions will be publicly announced and advertised as an open call for PhD candidates. The researchers who proposed the topics will be involved in the process of candidates’ recruitment, which will be conducted in an open, international procedure, according to standards set by the Foundation for Polish Science and Euraxess Network.

Are you interested in collaboration with Sano and have good ideas to discuss?

Sano welcomes Established Researchers seeking a supportive environment for their research.

Our organization offers excellent research environment, administrative assistance, and provides support in project management, procurement, recruitment, HR, legal, and IT services.

To bring in an Established Researcher, a comprehensive application process is required. This includes submitting the Researcher’s CV, list of publications, references and a detailed research description.

The process involves several steps:

  • 1. An interview with Sano’s Board to share the researcher’s vision and research plan.
  • 2. Evaluation of the Researcher’s Application and research plan by Sano’s International Scientific Committee, which may include an interview.
  • 3. A recommendation from Sano’s ISC to the Board based on scientific evaluation.
  • 4. Administrative procedures with the assistance of Sano’s support staff.

We strive to create a welcoming and supportive environment for researchers looking to conduct their work at Sano. If you have any questions or need further clarification on our process, please feel free to ask.

  • Our location

    Welcome to Cracow

    With a documented history dating back to the 7th century, Kraków is one of the oldest cities in Poland. Approximately, 1.7 million people live in the metropolitan area, making Kraków the second largest city in Poland. The city is located on the Vistula River and is also the capital city of the Lesser Poland region (pl. Małopolska). An unquestioned architectural gem, Kraków attracts millions of tourists every year and has consistently earned high scores in international tourist destination rankings.
  • Our location

    Capital of science and business

    With no less than five major universities (including the Jagiellonian University – one of the oldest surviving universities in the world), and more than 200 000 students from all over the world, contributing to the cosmopolitan character of the city. Undoubtedly it is also main business hub for the southern part of Poland. Here meet many polish and international companies, which makes this are really promising for Life Science and medical industries in particular, as well as a wide variety of other biotech, medtech, bioinformatics and technology start-ups.
  • Our location

    Artistic and cultural centre

    Cracow is also the artistic and cultural centre of Poland, with plenty to do all year round. There are numerous museums, art galleries, historic monuments and churches, including the world-famous Main Market Square and the magnificent Wawel Royal Castle. The city has gained international recognition in the academic field too.